Since 2001 we have covered every sector on Environmental, Social and Governance risks and opportunities.
Long before the market priced them in, we predicted the rise in reduced harm smoking alternatives, the PPI scandal and the stranding of some unconventional fossil fuels on environmental grounds.
Through Discern Sustainability, we help clients take a forward-looking view of sustainability risks and opportunities where 'off-the-shelf' research from established ESG providers cannot provide the insight, depth and synthesis needed.
Ways we are helping clients
Company, sector and thematic analysis: risks and opportunities for new and existing investments
Company or industry specific reports on business diversification/transition, based on sustainability megatrends
Due Diligence on ESG issues for M&A and disposals
ESG integration, security selection and screening consulting: creating bespoke solutions for investors for any asset class.
Recent engagements (please click on the underlined for one-page project summaries)
Created a project for client that involved all internal stakeholders on a topic of common interest - the Energy Transition - while implementing the Recommendations of the Taskforce on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Improving governance controls in non-prime lending and executive remuneration
Granular analysis of Chinese coal-fired power companies to understand which are better placed to transition and survive under China's drive to green its economy.