Our track record
We have extensive experience of designing, launching, marketing and above all, managing investment and consulting products and services in asset management.
We created and oversaw the stock selection process for some of the U.K's largest Sustainable Funds, several of which have long periods of significant outperformance of their mainstream benchmarks.
We led a successful bid to provide responsible investment overlay services to an auto-enrolment pension scheme that is set to become Europe's largest.
Ways we are helping clients
Fund and product design: advisory services on creating ESG products that are commercially successful and credible
Training for asset managers: we work with a company that offers short courses for investment professionals on ESG, at all levels
Benchmarking: assessments of how a company compares to its competitive set on chosen sustainability issues; whether as a company, non-profit, or investor
Market analysis and business plans for asset managers, funds and service providers
Investor Relations:
confidential assessments of and enhancements to a company’s sustainability strategy, performance and communications
training and education for IR and c-suite on projecting strength on sustainability
Recent engagements (please click on the underlined for one-page project summaries)
Designed suite of ESG Key Performance Indicators for a suite of high-profile screened Responsible Investment funds, setting targets and conducting attribution analysis in order to identify targets for improvement or disposal.
Wrote business plan for a leading corporate responsibility management consultancy on entry into the growing Responsible Investment services market, which is being used as the basis for building a practice, there.
Currently advising a large investment bank on the development of Impact Investment products for Family Offices and UHNWs.